Protect our community and preserve the beauty

Removing the Fox River dams would harm aquatic habitats, worsen water quality, and increase flood risks, while a stepped spillway would effectively manage water flow and protect the river's ecological integrity for future generations.

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Quote 1:

Removing the Fox River dams would have devastating consequences.

Quote 2:

The removal would not only destroy critical habitats for aquatic species and water quality, but would also significantly heighten flood risks, jeopardizing the safety of our communities and infrastructure.

Quote 3:

In contrast, implementing a stepped spillway presents a viable solution that manages water flow effectively while preserving the ecological integrity of the river.

Quote 4:

We can protect our community and preserve the beauty of our river, ensuring that future generations can enjoy it for years to come.


Enter the below key phrase:

Protect our community and preserve the beauty


Enter the below statement summary:


Removing the Fox River dams would harm aquatic habitats, worsen water quality, and increase flood risks, while a stepped spillway would effectively manage water flow and protect the river's ecological integrity for future generations.



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3.  Elevator Pitch


Enter the below suggested headline:

Geography Republican Chair on Fox River dams: ‘protect our community and preserve the beauty’


Enter the below lede:

SPEAKER FULL NAME, SPEAKER TITLE of the ORGANIZATION NAME said that removing the Fox River dams would harm aquatic habitats, worsen water quality, and increase flood risks, while a stepped spillway would effectively manage water flow and protect the river's ecological integrity for future generations. LAST NAME made HIS/HER statement to PUBLICATION on DATE.


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4.  Supporting Facts


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Preservation Partners of the Fox Valley reported that in September 2023, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, in partnership with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and the Fox River Study Group, released a draft environmental assessment of the Fox River. The study explored the feasibility of restoring riverine habitats for fish, mussels, and wildlife between Algonquin and Montgomery, Illinois. The Corps concluded that removing all dams in Kane County would be the best option. In St. Charles, removing its dam would reduce the Fox River's depth and width north of downtown, likely making boating impossible in that area.

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In a  June 14, 2024, letter, the USACE said “In light of ongoing coordination, the Corps has decided to adapt its approach to National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance by transitioning to what is called a “programmatic” environmental assessment (EA) during the feasibility phase of this study. A programmatic EA allows federal agencies to conduct a broad or holistic evaluation of project impacts; and it allows for subsequent environmental analysis to address specific issues and effects not fully addressed in the broader programmatic EA as project development continues.”

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Preservation Partners of the Fox Valley reported that at an August 1, 2024 meeting, St. Charles’s Fox River Dam Joint Task Force welcomed the Army Corps’s decision to gather more information, allowing the task force to extend its evaluation process. Around 50 residents expressed relief at the prolonged timeline. Task force subcommittees stated the need for a detailed hydrology report to address concerns about river changes following dam removal. City Manager Heather McGuire noted the task force's accomplishments, highlighting key questions for the city council's decision-making. The additional evaluation time aims to better understand the broader impacts of dam removal on the community and environment.

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SPEAKER FULL NAME, a resident of  SPEAKER CITY NAME was first elected to the role of Chair of the ORGANIZATION in 20XX. As Chair, he/she is focused on boosting Republican voter turnout, growing the Party’s membership, and communicating the Party’s positions on  issues that matter to GEOGRAPHY voters.

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Newsdesk: Politics