Make Illinois affordable

Governor Pritzker and Mayor Johnson must make Illinois affordable, because the people of Chicago and all over the state deserve better than tyrannical, financial abuse.

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Quote 1:

As Governor Pritzker signs off on several billion dollar increases in the Illinois budget, citizens leave Chicago and the state by the thousands.

Quote 2:

JB Pritzker and Brandon Johnson carelessly spend millions in taxpayer money to provide for illegal migrants and noncitizens of Illinois, but their constituents bear the economic brunt.

Quote 3:

The people of Chicago and all over Illinois deserve better than tyrannical, financial abuse.

Quote 4:

Governor Pritzker and Mayor Johnson have a duty to taxpayers; make Illinois affordable.


Enter the below key phrase:

Make Illinois affordable


Enter the below statement summary:


Governor Pritzker and Mayor Johnson must make Illinois affordable, because the people of Chicago and all over the state deserve better than tyrannical, financial abuse.



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3.  Elevator Pitch


Enter the below suggested headline:

Geography Republican Chair: ‘make Illinois affordable’


Enter the below lede:

SPEAKER FULL NAME, SPEAKER TITLE of the ORGANIZATION NAME said that Governor Pritzker and Mayor Johnson must make Illinois affordable, because the people of Chicago and all over the state deserve better than tyrannical, financial abuse. LAST NAME made HIS/HER statement to PUBLICATION on DATE.


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4.  Supporting Facts


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Capitol News Illinois reported in June 2024 on Governor Pritzker’s signing of a $53.1 billion spending plan for the upcoming fiscal year. The budget, the largest in Illinois state history, will increase spending in several areas, including education, infrastructure, and social services. $629 million of the budget is allocated towards healthcare programs for noncitizens, as well as $182 million allocated to fund shelter, healthcare and similar services for illegal migrants. Republican lawmakers voted against the budget proposal, with the exception of a budget cut proposal that would remove Illinois’ grocery tax.

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The Illinois Policy Institute reported that the population of Chicago has hit its lowest count since the year 1920. During the 1920 Census, the city’s population totaled 2,701,705; the Illinois Policy Institute indicated that U.S. Census Bureau estimated the city’s population was 2,664,452 as of July 2023. The city’s population has been in decline for nine years, and Illinois Policy Institute polls reported that 34% of Chicago residents would leave if they had an opportunity, with 39%  naming high taxes and affordability as their rationale.

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Time Out reported that Chicago is officially now one of the most costly cities in the world. Time Out reported that according to the Cost of Living Index by City from Numbeo, Chicago ranks as the tenth most expensive city. It additionally ranks as the seventh most expensive city in the United States according to the data.

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SPEAKER FULL NAME, a resident of  SPEAKER CITY NAME was first elected to the role of Chair of the ORGANIZATION in 20XX. As Chair, he/she is focused on boosting Republican voter turnout, growing the Party’s membership, and communicating the Party’s positions on  issues that matter to GEOGRAPHY voters.

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